Last week, I met with another author who asked in January if I would Beta Read his manuscript. We didn’t know each other well, which he explained made the most sense for him. He also had a few friends and family members read his work; they thought it was “good” but he was looking for MORE. His novel was close to 100,000 words. I read the entire book twice and then some, with a critical eye. In the process I reviewed and answered his questions…are there any red herrings, is it believable, would readers be interested in reading my book, are there any holes, and more…
I met with him in person on Saturday and was delighted to see that my feedback was what he wanted to move his book forward. He had hired a professional editor who was looking for grammar and punctuation among other things… but as a Beta Reader, I look for something different. Something MORE. And that MORE is what he wanted, what he needed so he could write the story that had been percolating inside of him for ten long years! A story he originally wrote just for himself, but now feels pulled to publish. A story I am positive we will see on bookshelves and in bookstores in the future.
It felt so good to pass on what I learned through workshops, from fellow authors, and from my college classes to benefit upcoming authors. After a great deal of thought, I am now offering “Beta Reader” as a paid service on my webpage in addition to “Workshops” and “Guest Speaker.” For more specifics, fill out the form linked here or send me an email. Minnesota authors can apply for Regional Art Board Grants that can cover the nominal fee I charge for these new services.
I will blog about my workshops and guest speaker services in the future. Until then, thanks for following my journey and enjoy each day. Someone told me that you only die once, but every day you live, you have the opportunity to make a difference in another person’s life. Until next time, take the roads less traveled.